
IntelliJ style tabs

Swing JTabbedPane's LEFT and RIGHT tab placements are rarely used. They waste screen space by placing tab titles left to right (see below left image).

I recently came across infonode's toolbar library. It has features to have tabbed titles drawn bottomup or topdown along with many other cool features. Using infonode I created a tabbed panel like the one in IntelliJ Idea (see right image).

JTabbedPane with left tab placementintellij style

Infonode has some cool features but is costly, they should have offered a reasonable site wide licensing price.



I am posting from BloGTK.

After looking at it, I am planning to learn python.


Upgrading to core 3

Spent this evening upgrading to core 3 from core 1. I don't have a cdrw. Initially I tried installing using yum. I was getting a weird error saying udev and kernel are conflicting.
Later found a cool hack way to install from hard disk downloaded iso image file.
Fedora core 3 has pre installed firefox 1.0, evolution 2.0, gnome 2.8, kernel 2.6 and is much faster than core 1.