
why python?

I experimented with Python few times. It looked interesting, but turned off by it’s odd indentation, lack of IDEs and my inability to find right area (application) to use. I felt it is a stronger glue scripting language than perl and weeker programming language than java.

Recently, I loaded Linux on my home desktop and wondered what is the language of choice for gnome applications: to my surprise I found it to be Python. Many gnome UI applets and games are developed in Python.
  • its simplicity, which is not as barbaric as C/C++ , a seasoned programmer can learn in a week.
  • great interoperability with native gtk libraries, unlike java.
  • and great glade UI designer, not there in java world.
are making python popular on linux. Perhaps, a good IDE(?) and a database independent db access API like ODBC/JDBC, can turn it into a true enterprise application language.

Check out diveintopython, PyGTK, Guido van Rossum's interview, Bruce Eckel's python zen, and his case for strong testing to offset weak typing.